Friday, July 15, 2011


I was thinking about some personal issues and really feeling down about them. My silly misery was distracting me from what I am paying to come here and study. Why am I worrying about this nonsense when I have other things that require my attention?

Today, at USAO, I pondered balance.

It seems easy to get distracted by things. However, there is a time and a place for each of those things. When I’m at school, it is not the time to think about my dating life. When I’m at work, I should be professional and leave personal issues at the door. When I’m driving, my focus is on navigating the road.

Learning from the different areas of your life is an excellent trait. I noticed that I was overlapping areas of my life in an unbeneficial way though. I was not accomplishing anything by moping over circumstances I couldn’t change. In fact, I was wasting my money and time by not designating my attention to the issue at hand.

Today, I established I was unbalanced. If you have equilibrium, you aren’t tripping and falling down. Balance is a beautiful thing. It keeps you upright and stable.

I want to promote the matter of stability. Keep your scales even. Don’t get caught up in something and forget everything else. Remember, there is a time and a place for each situation.

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