Sunday, July 24, 2011

Only 9 More Days!

Today at USAO I learned that finals are only 9 days away. This is exciting but scary at the same time.
Finals week is a dreaded week for many college students because it includes sleepless nights, stress and unhealthy eating habits. Here are some tips that I use during finals week to ease my stress.
1. Do not cram for tests. Do not study the night before and think you are going to get an A. This may work if you get lucky, but let’s not bet on it. It is best to at least look at the material and be familiar with it. This also goes along with going to class which I discussed in an earlier blog.
2. Study in a quiet environment with minimal distractions. Do not study and watch television, I am sorry but this doesn’t work. This also means do not study while you are watching your child. Find time to study when you can either be alone, or have quiet time with no distractions. Quiet time is important for retaining information.
3. Try and eat a good breakfast the day of your test. I love breakfast anyways but I make sure to eat extra well the day of a test. It is a proven fact that eating helps you focus and do better in school.
4. My last and final tip is to try and stay calm. It is important to not overstress and get overwhelmed. You may feel like your brain is going to explode but I assure you that it is not going to. Think of it this way, it is one week and then the semester is over.
We can do this my fellow USAO students. So let’s get our study on, and knock this 2011 summer semester out!

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